Sunday, January 17, 2010

Altera Club Report 2009/2010


Goal 1: Two CCs -- Which two members will achieve CCs this year and when?

Name: Ong Hui Leang Date: 14/09/09

Name: Joehan Keong Khee Wei Date: 23/11/09

Goal 2: Two more CCs -- Which two additional members will achieve CCs this year and when?

Name: Ng Tik Liang Date: March 2010

Name: Lim Chong Seng Date: May 2010

Name: Fong Chee Seong Date: May 2010

Goal 3: One AC -- Which member will achieve an AC this year and when?

Name: None

Goal 4: One additional AC -- Which member will achieve an additional AC this year and when?

Name: None

Goal 5: CL, ALB, ALS or DTM -- Which member will achieve one of these leadership awards this year and when?

Name: Leong Mei Yee Date: February 2010

Goal 6: One additional CL, ALB, ALS or DTM -- Which member will achieve one of these leadership awards this year and when?

Name: None

Goal 7: Four new members

Has the club achieved this goal? Yes

Goal 8: Four more new members

Has the club achieved this goal? Yes

Goal 9: Minimum four officers trained June--August and DecemberFebruary

How many club officers attended training in:

June—August (4) December—February (4)

Has the club achieved this goal? Yes

Goal 10: Dues Renewals/Officers List

Has the club achieved this goal? Yes

Does the club have 20 or more members? Yes

Is the club working towards the DCP requirement of a net gain
of 5 members or membership of at least 20 members by June 30?

List any members who will be achieving additional educational awards this year and the dates those awards will be achieved:

Chan Jiunn Wen, Low Siew Wei – APRIL 2010


Each year the club should conduct one or more of the following modules from The Successful Club Series.
This year, the club will conduct:

- Moments of Truth No
- Evaluate to Motivate No
- Finding New Members Yes
- Mentoring No
- How to be a Distinguished Club No
- Closing the Sale Yes

Are all speeches from the basic and/or advanced manuals? Yes

Do all speakers receive verbal and written evaluations? Yes



The meeting:

- was well organized Yes
- was productive Yes
- was run on time Yes
- had effective/supportive evaluations Yes
- had printed meeting agendas Occasionally

Guests were:

- welcomed Yes
- informed about the meeting/club/Toastmasters Yes
- asked to return or join Yes
- asked for comments Yes


The club: :

- uses the Distinguished Club Program for planning/recognition Yes
- presents its Distinguished Club Program Plan to members Yes
- immediately submits educational award applications to WHQ NO
- quickly recognizes member achievement Yes
- displays Member Progress Chart Yes


The club:

- orients new members within two weeks Yes
- immediately assigns mentors to new members Yes
- votes in and formally inducts new members (including presenting member pin/basic manual) Yes


Club officers:

- understand roles/responsibilities Yes
- submit membership applications promptly Yes
- meet at least monthly Yes
- discuss DCP Progress at executive committee meetings Yes


jeanne on January 20, 2010 at 5:22 PM said...

Lots of hardwork has been done there. BRAVO to all the club members and committee!!!

Congrats to Leang, Joehan, Chong Seng, Chee Seong, Tik Liang and Mei Yee.

Btw, miss you guys~~ =)

- wai ying

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